Speaker’s and Musician’s Guidelines
Thank You!
Speaker’s and Musician’s Guidelines
Thank You… …For agreeing to minister in our Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International meeting. We have compiled the following guidelines to help you prepare for your ministry of testimony or music. The Fellowship ministry is quite different from a church service or most “service organization” meetings. FGBMFI was born of the vision God gave Demos Shakarian of men around the world being reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We do this by-
- Testimonies to Businessmen. Jesus Christ is presented as Lord and Saviour, Baptizer and Healer.
- Training men to be an effective witness in their community.
- Encouraging men to study the word, so they can go forth in the power and authority of God.
- Working as an extension of the Church.
The goal of all FGBMFI meetings is to show non-Christians that they can find new life in Christ. So give your testimony as if all present were non-Christian. Let the Holy Spirit guide you in revealing to our guests the way to become a Christian.As you share your testimony, be the most effective witness possible. In a court trial, a witness must tell what he has felt, seen and heard. Your testimony should be just as complete, telling of your life before and after you asked Christ to come into your heart. To be most effective, include Bible verses that have helped you. An excellent guideline is set forth by the Apostle Paul as he addresses Agrippa in Acts 26:
- What his life was like before he met Jesus as his Saviour.
- How he met the Lord.
- What effect that decision had on his life.
- The fact that receiving Christ is available to Agrippa.
Give a Positive Testimony
It is embarrassing and actually harmful to have a guest speaker belittle denominations, churches, faiths, individuals, political parties, another race, sects or anything else that might offend guests. Avoid theological terms and cliches.
Promotion of any program, project or ministry, no matter how good or worthy, is to be avoided. Tell them, rather, how Jesus Christ has made a difference in your life and work.
Avoid elaborate reference to any habits such as drinking, smoking, gambling, etc. Don’t give our guests the impression that giving up these habits will make them a Christian, or that they must be given up before they can even consider becoming a Christian.
For many of our FGBMFI meetings time is an important factor, especially the noon luncheons and breakfasts. Running over your time limit may make someone late for work, or you may lose your audience by talking too long. Also, many people come for ministry after the message, so leave time for ministry. Your emcee will indicate how long you may speak. Please adhere to this. Be prepared to do personal counselling along with local men at the close of the meeting. Be sure you have a clear understanding with the emcee as to who will close the meeting and how it will be closed.
Featured speakers at FGBMFI Chapters, Conventions, Rallies, etc., usually receive an honorarium. Also food, housing and travel are paid. If you expect anything different, contact the Chairman in advance of the meeting to see if your conditions can be met. (Persons asked to share their testimonies should not expect an honorarium.)
A speaker or musician is not allowed to take a “love offering” for himself or his ministry at any FGBMFI event.
Any announcement regarding sale of your books or tapes must be coordinated with the emcee and the sales must be handled through the Fellowship book table.
Much prayer will go up for you, both before and during the meeting, that your testimony will reap a harvest of souls for salvation, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and healing.
Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International P.O. Box 5050 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(714) 754-1400
*This is a transcription of pamphlet 7156-5878. It was issued by the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International. There was no copyright statement on this brochure. It is transcribed by The Winnipeg, A Chapter of Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in Canada, as a service to speakers and musicians. Download the pdf version of this file:
Every member should have a personal copy of this brochure