Tetelestai 2014 edition
Just a few thoughts at this time of year. The Christian Church call this time Easter, having repurposed a holiday from other religious sources. To the Jewish people, it is passover. And Jesus is the Christian’s passover lamb. Whether you call this season easter or passover, we remember that this is a time of year when God turned tragedy into victory. All of us were dead as the result of our following in to the tragic event where Adam chose to eat of the forbidden fruit. We enter this life and at some point start to rebel against God. We start to question his goodness, his power and his authority, where we live life as if He does not exist, or doesn’t have the power to help us, or doesn’t have the desire to help us. Then, we are lead into His presence, where we see our own sin, and confess to Him our need. Suddenly, we are brought face to face with our inability to live the life He has for us to enjoy. So he lavishes His Holy Spirit on us, through the baptism in His Holy Spirit, and it was all paid for, yes and paid for us, on the cross of Calvary. When Jesus was hanging on the cross, He made seven statements. One of the last was a shout; the Bible says He spoke with a loud voice. The word in the original is Tetelestai. When He stamped it on our account, it meant the debt was paid. When He shouted it from the cross, it means the battle is over. It is the start of the victory march, which is continuing in the heavenly places even today.
Opportunity to give
Our national office of Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in Canada sent out a mailing last month, about an opportunity to take part in a matching gift. It was suggested that each chapter get this out on their email lists, so that those who may not have seen it, can still get in on it if they choose. So … You may or may not have heard about it, but if you want to read about it, here is a large-scale image of the letter.
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